What Do You Do?

If you’re a woman…and you want…bad…?
If you claw, and scratch, and pull and prod…and fight for something you want, need, desire…
…and you still don’t get?
Do you give up?
If you’re the Princess and the Pea type…hardly, huh?
You cry, then, you cry some more, then your lips purse and your back gets stiff…and you fight on….
Maybe Life is not about what you have, but what you think you should have…or what your mind has decided TO have…
Maybe…it’s all about being soft purple while others are hard, navy blue around you…maybe there is just no way to win…
But then why continue the fight?
The fight continues…
I’m starting to get it…I’m slow, you see…
The curves, of a woman’s body, that we women try so fervently to rub out and erase…well, they are what make men melt, you see….
What we women see as bumps on the Scenic Route, you men see as the View Points to Ecstasy…
I wonder why it’s taken me forever to see this?
I wonder why I am only blossoming now? Sexually? Viscerally? Wantonly?
Is this what happens to all women who enter middle-age?
Gosh..I’d HATE to think I’m de riguer about anything…special, you see…I think…I am…
Weakness…soft pale purple…
Strength…hard, dark, navy blue.
Maybe it’s just meant to be that way…


Bruce Coltin said…
Tell me more. Give me some background. I'll return with something stronger -- maybe a good bourbon.
B.J. Thompson said…
What about ME makes you think I would tell you more, Bruce?

Ava didn't give away all of her secrets either, you know? ;)

Bruce Coltin said…
Leave Ava out of this, and just spill it. You started this, Burby.
B.J. Thompson said…
A lady never divulges, Bruce...just teases mercilessly...snicker..;)

Oops! Did I just type that out loud?! :D
Sarah said…
Sure..just rub it in to the faces of the bony ones. We don't really want it either, you know? We just have to appreciate what we have--or get implants here and there...
B.J. Thompson said…
Ahhhh, geez, Sarah, hit a raw nerve here, did I? :(

That's okay, I usually hit MY raw nerve first...sigh...am an expert at raw-nerve-hitting you see...snicker...

If you think you're sexy, you ARE sexy, plain and simple...

Or, to those who laugh and point fingers at my oh, so arrogant naivete, I say, to them, an astute...PATOOIE! :D

I'll letcha know when I'm damn good and ready that I'm not as hot as Bassinger, who, by the way, now, isn't that hot anymore...snicker...

Until then, the old Mickey Rourke is looking at ME, and not her, and ME and not Kim, is smokin' THIS screen...

Life is just wayyyy too short to face reality, I'll do that when I die...;)