“The Fourth Kind”…Oo-Ee-Oo!!!
I used to like snowy owls, ya know.
All short and squat and furry it seemed, all-knowing but as silent as the grave, well, until they weren’t.
Yep, a walk through the woods on a wintry night, or looking out your country home bedroom window would not be complete without one, would it?
Especially in
Sure, there was a movie that reported numerous missing people and over 2000 interviews by the F.B.I. after the same amount of UFO experiences, all in the little town of Nome, Alaska, and yes, I guess, there are a few snowy owls up there as well.
Well-known ufologist,
The First Kind – Sighting of some foreign object in the sky
The Second Kind – Evidence on the ground that a UFO has been present
The Third Kind – Witnessing the presence of a UFO Being
The Fourth Kind – Being abducted by the UFO itself
And in the movie, “The Fourth Kind” , director Olatunde Osunsanmi attempts to tell the tale of The Fourth Kind experience of one
This movie would be sloughed off as a B-rate Sci-Fi flick were it not for the documentary-like footage of what purports to be actual events and experiences of Dr. Tyler and her patients in Nome, a town in the northern-most reaches of Alaska, not even accessible by land in the summer time.
The true story, if there really is one, is that yes indeed, in 2005, the F.B.I. sent homicide detectives to Nome to investigate the missing or mysterious death cases of 24 mostly Native Indian villagers, all disappearing between the 1960s and 2004. Before the F.B.I. investigation was concluded, Nome authorities thought the disappearances could have been the work of a serial killer, a scenario summarily shot down by the F.B.I. when they concluded that “excessive alcohol consumption and a harsh winter climate" were to blame for the disappearances.
The existence of one Dr. Tyler is still up for debate.
The disappearance of her youngest child, Ashley, is still not proven.
Documentation that one of Dr. Abigail Tyler’s patients did in fact kill himself and his entire family (because of the harrowing trauma he endured after seeing the “owl” outside his bedroom window every night) is no where to be found.
And Universal Pictures paid out a $20,000.00 settlement to the Alaska Press Club for making fake news archives in their efforts to promote this movie.
But is any of this really at issue here? And do Nome,Alaskans tend to stay awake at night now, especially at 3:33 in the morning? And if they do, why do they?
Officials of Nome suggest that their missing persons file is no larger than any other northern town that has a high rate of alcoholism and a harsh landscape.
Yet the movie, this movie, makes one wonder…
If you live in Nome, or some place remotely similar, and outside your window lurks a
What we don’t know can’t possibly hurt us…until it does.
Thanks for dropping by and if you see this msg. INVITE ME to YOUR blog, silly!
Not exactly sure what you mean by that but yes, if it ain't in the mainstream news, it's a good clue that it ain't fact! (But not always...)
Thanks for stoppin' by, Sarah!
miss you at the coffee shop :(
Miss you too Sarah!
the sites of murders caught my attention.