B3's Burbie Hall of Fame...

Bloggers who have continued a B3 post topic conversation, adding to the Power of the Pen, one blog post at a time...

Here's the How-To: 

1)Continue the topic of discussion from one of B3's posts at YOUR blog;

2) Put a LINK to b3's original post, into your blog post;

3) Notify Burb at B3 that you have continued the discussion;

4) And she will send you this lovely badge for your site's sidebar! 

5) And ADD YOUR Blog's Post Photo and Blog Post Title to her Burbie Hall of Fame (see below)!


Dream the Past Fantastic by Aine Butler-Smith of The Evolving Spirit Blogspot based on the B3 post "Dreams Are Made Of This" - A Child's Ability to Remember a Past Life
